Miami Woods, Hamilton, Ohio
February 21, 2004
Pat Meehan, Event Director


Several firsts were marked at this event; the first use of the Miami Woods map and the first meet hosted by Badin ROKS, the orienteering club at Badin High School, Hamilton. 


Miami Woods is a city park in Hamilton.  It is about 100 acres in size, consists of three ridges, and two primary reentrants. The eastern half of the park was once a mature forest with paved trails and wooden bridges.  It has long since fallen into disrepair and gone back to the wild.  The western half of the park was farmed, perhaps as recently as 40 years ago.  This half consists of nearly all honeysuckle and other species of wild wood that compliment this scourge of Southwest Ohio.  The park is crisscrossed with a network of trails in various states of disrepair, and has a scattering of detailed dry ditches.  The observant (and short) orienteer will find a number of deer trails to assist his/her passage through the denser portions of the park.


ROKS (stands for Rams Orienteering Klub Stupid), is a high school club.  They learned how to orienteer last year.  This year they are learning course design and meet management. 


Two days before the event the hillsides were covered in snow.  The trails were packed ice.  Friday, the day before the event, it rained, melting nearly all.  Some of the trails became streams, others just muddy, slippery obstacles.  The park, with its dense vegetation, eliminates the runner's advantage even on a good day.  On this day, the diligent and slower orienteer was nearly equal to the sprinter.


24 folks took on the challenges of Miami Woods and fared well over the four courses she served up on this winter day.  On a dryer and sunnier day more would likely take part.  Even given the limiting conditions of this park, I believe it could be a suitable site for winter events.  I would never want to attempt it in the summer. 


The ROKS members responsible for designing and vetting the courses, placing the markers, clearing and marking the trails, hauling water, building the fire, taking registration, and otherwise putting on a full meet were:


David Frederick

Brennan Lawall

Jenny Meehan

Joe Moran

Mark Hagen

Mike Benge

Chris Schaffer

Dave Giuliano

Kyle Kolstedt


Thanks to all that partook.


Pat Meehan

Coach, Badin ROKS

White Course, 1.54 km length, 10 controls

 16:01	ROKS 		Michael Benge
 21:55	ROKS		Chris Schaffer
 47:33	Troop 20	Brian Gaston
 86:01	Troop 956	Alex Brandner

Yellow Course, 1.72 km, 8 controls

 29:55	OCIN 		Jill Broermann, Vince Broermann, & Drew Wurzelbacher
 39:25	ROKS 		Joe Moran
 75:43	ROKS		Andy Shaver
 98:19	ROKS		Emily Lawall & Mike Lawall

Orange Course, 2.72 km, 11 controls

131:39 			Gayle Pille

Brown Course, 3.2 km, 16 controls

 49:52	OCIN		Mike Minium
 58:19	OCIN 		Aaron Rourke
 59:16	OCIN 		Bill Swift
 60:27	ROKS 		Brennan Lawall
 66:02	OCIN 		Bob Frey
 67:36	OCIN 		Kevin Mitchell
 69:04	OCIN 		Dick Arnett
 84:33	OCIN 		Matthew Robbins
 99:25	ROKS 		David Giuliano
101:09	OCIN 		David Crane
109:02	OCIN 		Todd Henson

MVOC = Miami Valley Orienteering Club, Dayton, OH
OCIN = Orienteering Cincinnati
ROKS = Rams Orienteering Klub, Badin High School, Hamilton,OH

results of previous event (Miami University Western Woods, February 8, 2004)

results of next event (Harbin Park, February 28, 2004)

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