Sharon Woods, Sharonville, Ohio
January 29, 2005
"The Sharon Woods Sprints"
Matt Robbins, Event Director

    If you see any mis-spelled names, any club membership incorrect, etc, please let us know (

    If there was ever a testament to the unreliability and unpredictability of the weather, Saturday, January 29th, 2005 was it. All week I had been watching the weather forecast, and it looked really good all week. Several days earlier, Saturday was forecast to be about 40 degrees with precipitation starting around dark.

    Thursday, the temperature predicted dropped to 38, and then to 34, then 32. On Thursday at the copy shop, I looked at Mike and said, "Let's not bag the maps. The rain's supposed to hold off until Saturday afternoon. I'm sure we'll be okay." Big mistake.

    All day Friday, the afternoon rain prediction crept earlier and earlier until, Friday at 11pm the prediction was mixed snow and freezing rain starting mid-morning Saturday transitioning to pure snow through the day. It turned out even that was wrong. The rain actually started before dawn.

    Saturday morning, about 8 am, I walked out to my car and found it and the whole driveway covered in a thin layer of ice. The street was icy and untreated. As I finished loading stuff, and scraping the ice off the windows, I thought that we should cancel the event. I called Mike Minium, who said he was literally 2 seconds from being out-the-door, and he said it was too late. People were certainly in their cars enroute to the park.

    As I was setting out the SI boxes, I was slipping across paved roads and down now icy packed-snow trails. When I got back to the start area, it was a little better. All the sidewalks and main park roads were salted and easily passable.

    The most surprising thing was that there was a group of people waiting to start, which was a good sign, and that pretty much set the tone for the day.

    The format was three courses, all sprints. Run one, two, or all three for one entry fee. Pre-printed maps. All courses with SportIdent. A place to warm up with restrooms. I was expecting people to rest more between courses, but many people would just finish, download, and ask for the next map.

    This was my second event running the e-punch equipment, and I have to say that I'm very impressed. There is a steep learning curve, but once you figure it out, it really saves a lot of work in the start and finish area. I'm not ready for an A-Meet yet, but club events are pretty simple. We didn't even have a back-up timer because everything was working so well.

    It appears from the waiver forms that we had 60 people, although several people went out as teams. We had one Jr ROTC group of about 25 people coming, and I was sure they would cancel because of the roads, but they didn't. Their Captain said the kids "Wouldn't miss it", and they had 20 individuals compete.

    I got a few comments on the courses, mostly positive. Of all the time I spent on this event, I spent most of the time in front of the computer reading about sprints, looking at sprint course maps, and actually designing the courses in Condes.

    I called the courses Easy, Medium, and Hard for several reasons which I have partly explained in the course notes. Distances were 1.8 km, 2.5 km, and 2.7 km, which ends up being about 7 km if you did all three. I think most people who did them all were surprised how much of a workout it was.

    The maps were an odd size because I was able to print all three courses on one sheet of 11x17 paper. I used 1:5000 because most orienteers are familiar with it. I wanted to use 1:4000, but the map sizes were too big. I would not have been able to print clue sheets on the map, and I really wanted to do that. Sorry about not having the maps in bags, or having enough bags at the event.

    Since only the two longer sprints were rankable, it was a strategic decision to run those two first and then run the easy course.

    There were very few DNFs due to someone being on a course too difficult navigationally for them. It appears that all of the DNFs were due to time commitments or other factors.

    This paragraph from the course notes got a few laughs (slightly edited):

The GO Control, the control immediately before the finish, has the clue "Northeastern Single Tree, Deciduous." In the few days since I checked the feature and printed the maps, it has been changed to "Stump", for which there is no valid clue description. You’ll have to figure this one out, because I’m not remarking the maps and clue sheets. (It’s easy to figure out—you won’t have any trouble.)     Also in the course notes, I mentioned the start procedure being like an A-Meet, where you would be on-the-clock before you could look at your map. Because we were able to get a warm place inside a building for the registration and results computer, we would have needed another person to hand out maps at the start, so... We made a command decision to follow the honor system and just let people walk out to the start and then look at their maps. It seems to have worked well.

    Special Thanks: To Mike Minium for help with the maps, and for drying out the gear, and especially for taking down the majority of the course. To: Bob Frey for helping with set-up. To: Everyone who helped with registration. And to Valerie Meyer and Stephan Kraemer for help with the SportIdent software.

    It appears that everyone had a good time in spite of the nasty conditions.  One request: Please let me know what you thought of the courses. This was my first time designing sprints. I worked really hard to design them, and was really worried that they would be lame. In the end, I designed courses that I thought were navigationally interesting and that I would want to run. So, again, please let me know what you thought, positive or negative. I really want to know. E-mail me at:

    To everyone who attended: Thanks so much for coming. I had a great time. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed the format. I'm so glad we didn't cancel it. Now all I have to do is convince someone else to put on one of these so I can get some sprint points.

                                                                                     Matthew Robbins, Cincinnati, Ohio

    Link to Course Notes

    Link to Split Times

    Link to 2005 U S Orienteering Sprint Series standings (the Hard and Medium courses at Sharon Woods were both worth up to 30 points in the standings)

    Links to course maps:

          Easy Course Map

          Medium Course Map

          Hard Course Map

Easy Course, 1.8 km, 35 m. climb, 9 controls

    1  14454 Noller Steve                    Unk -        10:18
    2  15181 Svobodny Gabe                   MVOC -       10:26   1st Junior
    3  14455 Boehm Richard                   ROKS -       11:20
    4  17013 Minium Mike                     OCIN -       11:31
    5  14453 Lawall Brennan                  ROKS -       11:44
    6  14459 Shimizu Chiori                  COO -        11:55   1st Female
    7  17007 Bond Matt                       MVOC -       12:31
    8  13822 Meehan Pat                      OCIN -       13:15
    9  15177 Miller Charley                  OCIN -       13:33
   10  14445 Henson Todd                     OCIN -       14:12
   11  14446 Donnelly Bill                   OCIN -       15:01
   12  13830 Arnett Dick                     OCIN -       17:26
   13  13825 Frey Bob                        OCIN -       18:00
   14  15172 Vaughan Petr                    OCIN -       18:04
   15  14450 Burge Tracy                     Unk -        18:28
   16  15179 Williams David                  OCIN -       19:37
   17  14451 Wilkins Zac                     ROKS -       20:04
   18  15180 Williams Katie & Mathilde       OCIN -       22:34
   19  15176 Baker Debbie                    Unk -        27:59
   20  15175 Vaughan Morgan & Jameson        OCIN -       30:35
   21  15193 Schweinfest Beckey              HHS -        33:08
   22  14449 Tm: A Rourke and A Dixon        OCIN -       34:01
   23  14443 Ruwe Laura                      Unk -        38:57
   24  15174 Vaughan Parker                  OCIN -       54:02
   25  14447 Team: Ben & Sharon Bond         MVOC -     1:03:46

    Easy Course Map

Medium Course, 2.5 km, 50 m. climb, 9 controls

    1  24454 Noller Steve                    Unk -         16:43
    2  27013 Minium Mike                     OCIN -        17:52
    3  24453 Lawall Brennan                  ROKS -        17:55   1st Junior
    4  25183 Svobodny Tom                    MVOC -        17:59
    5  25178 Fugate Kenny                    HHS -         18:13
    6  25181 Svobodny Gabe                   MVOC -        18:58
    7  23822 Meehan Pat                      OCIN -        19:16
    8  24459 Shimizu Chiori                  COO -         19:20   1st Female
    9  23827 Swift Bill                      OCIN -        19:48
   10  27007 Bond Matt                       MVOC -        20:12
   11  25177 Miller Charley                  OCIN -        20:57
   12  24450 Burge Tracy                     Unk -         21:03
   13  23826 Vaughan Steve                   OCIN -        21:31
   14  24457 Team: Steve & Greg Sten         Unk -         21:54
   15  24445 Henson Todd                     OCIN -        24:09
   16  23830 Arnett Dick                     OCIN -        25:11
   17  25200 DeSantis Mike                   Unk -         25:30
   18  24451 Wilkins Zac                     ROKS -        26:48
   19  23825 Frey Bob                        OCIN -        26:55
   20  25179 Williams David                  OCIN -        33:23
   21  24455 Boehm Richard                   ROKS -        33:28
             (lost SI card between 5 and 6, lost 14 - 15 minutes finding it)
   22  24446 Donnelly Bill                   OCIN -        34:57
   23  25189 Team: Gray & Sales              HHS -         39:19
   24  25188 Roark Mat                       HHS -         41:38
   25  25186 Team: Stitt & Farmer            HHS -         49:15
   26  25199 Grathwohl Ed                    HHS -         51:05
   27  24443 Ruwe Laura                      Unk -         54:01
   28  25194 Courtois Chris                  HHS -         57:45
   29  25196 Chinn Shayna                    HHS -       1:00:47
   30  25192 Tm: Bennett-Whitinge-Dodge      HHS -       1:02:42
   31  25176 Baker Debbie                    Unk -       1:03:24
   32  25195 Team: Walser-Duncan-West        HHS -       1:04:22
   33  25185 Gambrel Justin                  HHS -       1:04:35
   34  24448 Rytel Jenni                     Unk -       1:11:37
   35  24444 Herron Tonya                    Unk -       1:11:42

       24452 Team: C Scarff/A Noel           Unk -            mp

        Medium Course Map

Hard Course, 2.7 km, 65 m. climb, 12 controls

    1  37013 Minium Mike                     OCIN -       21:11
    2  34454 Noller Steve                    Unk -        21:39
    3  34455 Boehm Richard                   ROKS -       22:04   1st Junior
    4  37007 Bond Matt                       MVOC -       23:20
    5  34445 Henson Todd                     OCIN -       23:25
    6  33827 Swift Bill                      OCIN -       23:41
    7  33822 Meehan Pat                      OCIN -       24:24
    8  33826 Vaughan Steve                   OCIN -       24:33
    9  35183 Svobodny Tom                    MVOC -       24:52
   10  35200 DeSantis Mike                   Unk -        28:12
   11  35181 Svobodny Gabe                   MVOC -       28:28
   12  34459 Shimizu Chiori                  COO -        29:29   1st Female
   13  34457 Team: Steve & Greg Sten         Unk -        34:22
   14  35191 Fugate Kenny                    HHS -        34:27
   15  34462 Ruwe Mimi                       Unk -        34:58
   16  34450 Burge Tracy                     Unk -        35:24
   17  33830 Arnett Dick                     OCIN -       36:15
   18  34460 Isburgh Bob                     Unk -        37:23
   19  33825 Frey Bob                        OCIN -       38:48
   20  34452 Team: C Scarff/A Noel           Unk -        39:03
   21  34453 Lawall Brennan                  ROKS -       41:50
   22  35177 Miller Charley                  OCIN -       44:37
   23  35193 Schweinfest Beckey              HHS -        46:54
   24  34446 Donnelly Bill                   OCIN -       47:07
   25  35189 Team: Gray & Sales              HHS -        54:45
   26  35184 Kinsey Justin                   HHS -      1:01:23
   27  34449 Team: A Rourke & A Dixon        OCIN -     1:07:33

       35182 Mulle Doug                      HHS -           mp
       35187 Apodaca Kory                    HHS -           mp

    Hard Course Map

COO    =    Central Ohio Orienteers, Columbus
HHS    =    Hamilton High School
MVOC   =    Miami Valley Orienteering Club, Dayton
OCIN   =    Orienteering Cincinnati
ROKS   =    Badin H S (Rams Orienteering Klub)
Unk    =    unknown or not an O' club member

Points Earned for the 2005 U S Orienteering Sprint Series:
The Medium and Hard course were both 30 point races in the US Sprint Series.

Men (Hard Course)

Points    Place     Name (Last First) Club     Time
30         1     Minium Mike         OCIN     21:11
29         2     Noller Steve        Unk      21:39
28         3     Boehm Richard       ROKS     22:04
27         4     Bond Matt           MVOC     23:20
26         5     Henson Todd         OCIN     23:25
25         6     Swift Bill          OCIN     23:41
24         7     Meehan Pat          OCIN     24:24
23         8     Vaughan Steve       OCIN     24:33
22         9     Svobodny Tom        MVOC     24:52
21        10     DeSantis Mike       Unk      28:12
20        11     Svobodny Gabe       MVOC     28:28
19        12     Fugate Kenny        HHS      34:27
18        13     Arnett Dick         OCIN     36:15
17        14     Isburgh Bob         Unk      37:23
16        15     Frey Bob            OCIN     38:48
15        16     Lawall Brennan      ROKS     41:50
14        17     Miller Charley      OCIN     44:37
13        18     Donnelly Bill       OCIN     47:07
12        19     Kinsey Justin       HHS    1:01:23

Women (Hard Course)

Points    Place     Name (Last First) Club     Time
30         1     Shimizu Chiori      COO      29:29
29         2     Ruwe Mimi           Unk      34:58
28         3     Burge Tracy         Unk      35:24
27         4     Schweinfest Beckey  HHS      46:54

Men (Medium Course)

Points    Place     Name (Last First) Club     Time
30         1     Noller Steve        Unk      16:43
29         2     Minium Mike         OCIN     17:52
28         3     Lawall Brennan      ROKS     17:55
27         4     Svobodny Tom        MVOC     17:59
26         5     Fugate Kenny        HHS      18:13
25         6     Svobodny Gabe       MVOC     18:58
24         7     Meehan Pat          OCIN     19:16
23         8     Swift Bill          OCIN     19:48
22         9     Bond Matt           MVOC     20:12
21        10     Miller Charley      OCIN     20:57
20        11     Vaughan Steve       OCIN     21:31
19        12     Henson Todd         OCIN     24:09
18        13     Arnett Dick         OCIN     25:11
17        14     DeSantis Mike       Unk      25:30
16        15     Wilkins Zac         ROKS     26:48
15        16     Frey Bob            OCIN     26:55
14        17     Williams David      OCIN     33:23
13        18     Boehm Richard       ROKS     33:28
12        19     Donnelly Bill       OCIN     34:57
11        20     Roark Mat           HHS      41:38
10        21     Grathwohl Ed        HHS      51:05
 9        22     Courtois Chris      HHS      57:45
 8        23     Gambrell Justin     HHS    1:04:35

Women (Medium Course)

Points    Place     Name (Last First) Club     Time
30         1     Shimizu Chiori      COO      19:20
29         2     Burge Tracy         Unk      21:03
28         3     Ruwe Laura          Unk      54:01
27         4     Chinn Shayna        HHS    1:00:47
26         5     Baker Debbie        Unk    1:03:24
25         6     Rytel Jenni         Unk    1:11:37
24         7     Herron Tonya        Unk    1:11:42

link to Split Times

results of previous event (Miami University, January 22, 2005)

results of next event (Rentschler Forest, March 19, 2005)

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