Mt. Airy Forest, Cincinnati, Ohio
September 30, 2007
Greg & Bobbi Sack, Event Directors

National Orienteering Day, Great Outdoor Weekend Report

    It was a great day for orienteering in Cincinnati! While still unseasonably warm and dry, it was cooler than it had been in the woods of Mt. Airy Forest.  The overgrazing by the deer and the dry conditions have been aided by the increased clearing of honeysuckle by Cincinnati Parks to make the park the most runnable that I have seen.
    For those who are unaware, Great Outdoor Weekend is a coordinated weekend of free samplings of programs offered by environmental education and outdoor recreational organizations to provide a diverse sampling of the best nature and environmental groups and activities in Greater Cincinnati. To this end, OCIN and Cincinnati Parks Nature Education Division put on a joint introductory event. The event included training in basic map reading, orienteering introductory games, including a Safari-O and a Treasure Map hunt as well as a White course. It was a great success with 103 people signing in. Though there were some that had been to previous events, over 85  had their first exposure to orienteering.
    Simultaneous to the free event, OCIN offered the full range of courses from Yellow to Red.  There were 67 participants in this event, including over a dozen crossovers who tried the Yellow course after successfully completing the free White course. The results for these courses follow.
    Thanks go to Claire Dell for helping to organize the volunteers for this event. Bob Frey was wonderful as usual in setting out some last minute controls and for helping with registration and start area set-up. Dick Arnett did a yeoman's job helping set up, with early crowds registration and for picking up controls. Mike Minium helped in organizing and taking first shift in starts. Gerald Yip bailed me out with taking over finishes when I was obviously too braindead to calculate times. He also helped organize wrapping up the event and picked up several controls. Joyce Whalen was indispensable in registering and educating new orienteers. Leslie Lytle handled registration on the OCIN side expertly. It was good to see Tom Murphy again, and he stayed around to help with control pick up. Special thanks to Leo Sack for set up, control placement and pick up, O-education, photography and general taking care of business.

Greg and Bobbi Sack

Elizabeth & John Grover            49:24
Naomi Friebert                          51:05
Nancy, Hank, Adam Koch        82:07
Camille Jones                            95:48

Michael Wissman & Will Skillman     57:05
Brian Grafton                                    59:03
David Thurburn Group                      63:08
Corina Alverez                                  64:45
Jim Cimprich                                     67:41
Susan Thiem Rednecks group            75:34
Northwest "B" Team                         76:32
Joe Goodenough group                     77:04
McGinnis Hawks group                    77:42
Don Jim                                            77:57
Masters/Busse                                  79:20
David Parks                                      88:14
Northwest "A" Team                       140:18    MP #7

Brian DeYoung                        72:40
Bob Frey                                 75:03
Erick Lebreton                         84:33
Kim & Dennis Jennings            90:45
Jeff Berringer                           91:55
Dick Arnett                             94:45
Sherry Downing                     102:03
Tim & Amy Vincent               103:43
Alexander Preobrazhensky     117:47

Gerald Yip                        40:16
Todd Henson                    55:05
Sergei Preobrazhensky      57:41
Tom Murphy                    60:37
Steve Friebert                   63:12

results of previous local event (East Fork, September 29, 2007)

results of next local event (Camp Stonybrook, October 7, 2007)

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