Instructions for QCARS 2020 participants

            You must pre-register and pay online for EACH QCARS event at Event Register. If you purchase a QCARS season pass, you still must complete the online registration for each race and select a start window.

            If you are feeling ill or have a fever or cough, don't come! We will be happy to issue a refund.

            Please arrive and pick up your map during the time interval selected on your pre-registration. Its ok to be in the parking lot earlier, but please maintain appropriate social distance.

            Maps will be on a clothesline with your name on the map case. Please pull your map from the clothespin. Please avoid touching other people's maps, the clothespins, or the ropes. If your map is missing, please see the event volunteer.

            There will be no sign-in sheets - taking your map from the clothesline indicates that you will be starting. As always, if you quit the course or fail to finish, you still MUST download so that we know you have safely returned.

            Please practice social distancing when picking up your map, and approaching the start. Please take care to avoid touching the clear, check, and start control units, stands, or flags.

            Normal shared amenities for map preparation (stapler, tape, scissors, etc) will not be available. At this time there will not be loose control description sheets.

            Loaner / rental compasses will not be available. You should certainly be able to complete the QCARS courses without one, but if you want your own, we suggested visiting our sponsor, Fleet Feet (Oakley location only), for top quality
            Moscow thumb compasses. Alternatively, you can find an inexpensive baseplate compass at many big box or sporting good stores.

            When punching in at controls, please be careful to avoid accidentally touching the control unit, flag, or, stand.

            When finishing, please catch your breath before approaching the download station. Please approach the download table one person at a time, maintaining appropriate separation.
            Please try not to touch or drip sweat on the download station or table. Please don't linger - take your receipt and move away promptly.
            If you are doing BOTH courses, you MUST tell the computer operator your name and which course you completed BEFORE inserting your SI chip in the download. If you have a rental SI card, drop it in the bucket provided.

            There will be no drinking water or snacks provided at the finish. Please bring your own water.

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