Miami University Natural Areas
Tuesday, August 28, 2001
Event Director:  Mike Minium

    Hazy, humid conditions prevailed until about 2 hours before this event, when a line of
heavy thunderstorms rumbled through the area.  Harker’s Run was knee-deep and
swift-flowing, so the high school participants were restricted to the shorter course for
safety reasons.  They did well, considering the wet, muddy conditions.  Controls were
generally of white difficulty, but the longer course offered some opportunities for
significant short-cutting.

Thanks to Bill Swift for collecting ALL controls!

Long Course (about 7 km)

51:23 Warren Mandrell, OCIN, Miami U.
57:54 Bob Frey, OCIN

Short Course (about 4 km)

19:24 Craig, Corey, Rick, Scott, Badin HS
23:30 Mark Freidline, Miami U.
23:31 Pat Meehan, OCIN
28:30 Jaci Saurber, Christy Calvert, Badin HS
30:31 Ashley, Meg, Kara, Badin HS
34:32 Vickie, Beth, Julie, Badin HS
44:03 Ann Graf, Jenny Meehan, Badin HS
51:46 Alex P., Chris A., Andy G., Badin HS
52:49 Danny, Mike, Ben, Jason, Badin HS
other participants:
 Jeff, Mark, Matt, Badin HS
 Kim Lewis, Kelly Young, Nancy M., Badin HS
 Scott M., Kim Lysaght, Jackie R., Badin HS
