Registration assistance:
Thanks to: Dick Arnett
Control Pickup assistance:
Thanks to: Bill Swift (15), Claire Dell (7) and
Tom Svobodny (2)
After the previous day's
50 degree (F) temperatures and sunshine, the morning of the event dawned
with high winds, plummeting temperatures, and light sleet which soon changed
over to periodic bursts of snow . By late afternoon, as control collection
began, teh sun again made a brief appearance.
Fortunately, the shelter
at McFarlan has a huge fireplace, and there is always plenty of deadfall
to be found in the surrounding woods, so we kept a roaring fire going.
Short White Course: 1.68 km, 60 m climb, 6 controls
1 23:05
Parker Vaughan (OCIN)
2 32:33
Karen and Megan Mitchell (OCIN)
Long White Course: 3.22 km, 130 m climb, 12 controls
1 48:20 Petr Vaughan (OCIN)
Yellow Course: 3.27 km, 200 m climb, 10 controls
51:25 Eric Tullis (ICO)
97:58 Jenny Meehan (ROKS)
3 171:20
Gabe Svobodny (MVOC)
found 7
Mike Sears, Adam Blake (BSA )
Orange Course: 4.28 km, 290 m climb, 12 controls
1 120:48
Alan Kallmeyer
found 9
Brennan Lawall (ROKS)
found 9
Jason Hordowick (ROKS)
Brown Course: 2.86 km, 170 m climb, 11 controls
35:36 Pat Meehan (OCIN)
59:25 Bob Frey (OCIN)
61:50 David Frederick (ROKS)
63:15 Claire Dell (OCIN)
75:25 Karen Rogers (COO)
86:04 Greg & Bobbi Sack (OCIN)
7 104:32
Ellie Kennedy (OCIN)
Green Course: 5.18 km, 380 m climb, 17 controls
59:19 Carl Sack (MNOC)
70:18 Bill Swift (OCIN) (picked up some controls en route)
91:07 Jon Rauschenbach (OCIN)
4 103:59
John Wyrick
5 141:15
Tom Svobodny (MVOC)
found 8
Steve Vaughan (OCIN)
results of previous event (The Billy Pig, Fort Ancient, November 17, 2002)
results of next event (Camp Friedlander, December 14, 2002)
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