Governor Bebb Butler County Metropark
New Year's Events 2003
Mike Minium, Event Director

Control Pickup assistance:
    Warren Mandrell, Ellie Kennedy, Kathleen Alsept  and  Greg Sack

    Rain, rain and rain greeted the orienteers who assembled at Governor Bebb this year.
Shortly before the midnight mass start, the rain stopped.  However, only speedy Carl Sack
was able to complete the course before it resumed.  Thanks to all those who brought food
and snacks and helped clean up the cabin.  8 people stayed overnight this year.
      The downpour continued through the night, raising the water level of Dry Fork Creek
to a raging torrent.  There soon was no doubt that the New Year's Day orienteers would
have to stay east of the creek, and the planned 22 control score course was cut back to
14 controls.

Midnight Course: 18 controls, Score format

1    18      40:11    Carl Sack
2    18      59:03    Tom Possert
3    18      63:21    Matthew Robbins
4    17      58:06    Greg Sack
5    12      59:01    Bobbi Sack
6    10      55:10    Cindy and Kristen Lear

New Year's Day Course: 14 controls, Score format

1      14      26:41    Tom Possert
2      14      32:03    Warren Mandrell
3      14      34:42    Carl Sack
4      14      41:35    Vince Hand
5      14      41:41    Dan Mattingly
6      14      46:47    Garrett Kolo
7      14      49:40    John Wyrick
8      14      50:54    Kevin Mitchell
9      14      53:17    Greg Sack
10    14      54:24    Bob Frey
11    14      56:52    Dick Arnett
12    14      59:39    Brian Theisser & Dave Kelley
13    14      90:08    Bobbi Sack
14    14    107:47    Ellie Kennedy & Kathleen Alsept
15    13    106:52    Cindy & Kristen Lear

Yellow Course

1      26:00    Tom Possert & Natasha

results of previous event (Camp Friedlander, December 14, 2002)

results of next event (Miami Whitewater, January 25, 2003)

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