Miami Whitewater, Hamilton County Park
January 25, 2003
Bill Swift, Event Director

Control Pickup assistance:
    Vince Hand  and  Mike Minium

    Cold temperatures stayed below the freezing mark for the entire day.
A couple inches of powdery snow and a brilliant sun completed the picture.
Fortunately, there was no wind.

White Course: 2.3 km, 11 controls

1    20:38    Barb Jenson
2    65:00    Petr Vaughan
3    68:20    Benjamin & Sharon Bond

Yellow Course: 3.4 km, 12 controls

1    98:40    Joe McMillan

Orange Course: 4.2 km, 140 m. climb, 11 controls

1    89:40    Frank Davis
dnf               Kathy Fullerton

Green Course: 4.5 km, 230 m. climb, 9 controls

1      61:22    Warren Mandrell
2      96:03    Dick Arnett
3      99:16    Kevin Mitchell
4    105:03    Bob Frey
5    129:15    Luke Hennel
6    130:00    Gary Collins, Matt Mazza, Steve Berens
7    175:00    Tonya Herron, Jenni Rytel, Natalie Fields
dnf                 Vince Hand

Red Course: 6.1 km, 290 m. climb, 13 controls

1      74:45    Matt Bond
2      84:30    Pat Meehan
3      86:14    Stevan Vaughan
4      87:00    Garrett Kolo
5    115:50    Dave Kelly
6    117:25    John Wyrick
dnf (injury)    Scott Fullerton

results of previous event (Governor Bebb, January 1, 2003)

results of next event (Mitchell Memorial Forest, February 22, 2003)

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