There were plenty of scary surprises in store for
those who braved the cloudy, moonless night. Showers briefly wet
the ground before the event, but stopped before the start and, although
a distant flash or two of lightning threatened, the rain did not resume
in earnest until after everyone had safely returned. Spiders, snakes,
rats and motion-activated spooks were among the surprises waiting for the
unwary orienteers.
Scoring: 10 points per control, -5 points pre minute
(or portion) overtime (60 minute limit).
There were 17 controls marked on the map.
Two were"trick" controls and worth zero points.
Two were "treat" controls and were worth 20 points.
Three additional unmapped controls were also worth
10 points each if found.
Thanks to Matt Robbins, Mary
Brown and UCMS students for help picking up controls
and props.
Thanks to Bob Frey for help with registration
and preparation.
Thanks to Mrs. Brown, (UCMS) and Mrs.
Moray (HHS) for transporting students to this event.
place score
time club
1 130 (130-0)
58:57 OCIN Tom Possert &
Susan Smith (started out as a vampire)
2 110 (110-0)
47:21 OCIN Bob Frey
3 110 (110-0)
55:30 UCMS Kyle Hertel & TJ Dickenson
(found the cross)
4 90 (100-10)
61:37 OCIN Matt Robbins (started
out as a vampire)
5 70 (70-0)
49:20 OCIN Bobby, Ryan &
Lauren Kinsey
6 60 (70-10)
61:07 UCMS Tyler Hertel & Brandon
7 45 (60-15)
62:45 HHS Jeremy
8 45 (60-15)
62:55 HHS Dustin
9 45 (60-15)
62:59 HHS Josh
Wickers (found the garlic chain)
10 40 (40-0)
49:30 HHS Nick
11 40 (60-20)
63:50 HHS Sean
12 15 (30-15)
62:50 HHS Billy
OCIN Kevin & Megan Mitchell
UCMS Chris Fairchild, Gary Clemmons
HHS = Hamilton High School, UCMS = Union County Middle School
results of previous event (Camp Stonybrook, October 5, 2003)
results of next event (BillyPig, November 8, 2003)
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