Midnight Score Orienteering Course
New Year's Eve was sunny, with temperatures climbing
above 50 degrees F (10 C). A clear night brought temperatures quickly
plunging into the upper twenties F (below 0 C). A cold, star-strewn
midnight sky saw 8 groups, and a total of 15 orienteers streaming from
the doors of the Murnstein Hostel into the forest, in search of the 20
reflective control markers scattered around Governor Bebb Preserve.
With only one exception, all groups returned before time expired.
Euki & Dargi paid a hefty penalty for their 1 minute and 45 second
tardiness. Only one person, Matthew Robbins, managed to reach them
As finishers returned, they were greeted by bottles
of sparkling grape juice, bowls of steaming chili, a huge sheet cake, a
heaping platter of shrimp, steaming mugs of coffee, tea and chocolate,
and hot dogs and mashmallows ready for roasting over the roaring fire.
The fire itself was another sight, topped by an enormous 200+ pound (90+
kg) log, which had been wrestled into the cabin by Kyle Tyler, Chris and
90 minute time limit., mass
start at midnight
20 controls worth 10 points
1 point per minute bonus
for returning each full minute before 1:30 am.
10 points penalty for each
minute (or part of a minute) late.
Total Scoring
209 200 + 9
Matthew Robbins (OCIN)
168 160 + 8
Dick Arnett (OCIN)
155 150 + 5
Max Thorne (SLOC)
152 140 + 12
David Dewitt, Keally Dewitt, Hill Anderson
136 110 + 26
Marge Vanderman, Kristen Lear, Cindy Lear
130 150 - 20
Euki Binns, Dargi Anderson
130 120 + 10
Tanya Kitchen
123 100 + 23
Chris Fairchild & TJ Dickenson
Fire tenders
John Thorne, Kyle Hertel, Tyler Hertel
New Year's Day Orienteering
A frosty morning quickly warmed to another balmy 50 degree F (10 C) day. Orienteers who stayed overnight rose to a bountiful array of breakfast choices. Chris and TJ, eager to get started, were off over the frosty ground before 9:30, but most orienteers waited for the day to warm. Four courses were offered.
white course, 2.48 km, 50 m. climb, 11 controls
White started with a fairly steep climb, but then was a relatively level to downhill course. A memorable control was the one inside the covered bridge near the park entrance.
1 35:55 Katie
& David Williams
2 46:25 Tyler
3 57:58 Tom
4 60:54 Ben
Bond (with Sharon)
found 4 John
yellow course, 3.33 km, 150 m. climb, 13 controls
1 32:13 Kyle
2 46:22 Greg
3 58:50 Karen
& Kevin Mitchell
4 64:06 TJ Dickenson
& Chris Fairchild
5 72:20 Marge
Vanderman, Cindy & Kristen Lear
6 72:37 Susan
L Smith, Melanie Miles
7 83:14 Kim
& Kaitlin Jennings
8 95:09 Jason
9 117:04 Joe McMillen
found 11 Dennis & Audrey
found 6 Tom
orange / green course, 5.18 km, 175 m. climb, 18 controls
With the many trails and other linear features, it is virtually impossible to design a course in this park that truely exceeds orange difficulty. But, the newly acquired hundred acres provided an opportunity to get greater length than was previously possible without crossing Dry Fork Creek. Orienteers on this course got a good intoduction to the new part of the park.
1 54:04 Warren
2 67:47 Tom
3 82:05 Gabe
4 94:07 Michael
5 102:49 Mike & Teresa
6 117:11 Claire Dell
7 119:35 Tanya Kitchen
8 139:55 Victoria Huseman
9 153:12 John L Blocher
found 10 Kyle & Tyler
Hertel, TJ Dickenson
lost card Bobbi Sack
red course, 7.15 km, 225 m. climb, 25 controls
This was the longest course we've ever offered at Governor Bebb. In addition to a thorough tour of the new 100 acres, red runners got their feet wet with a double crossing of Dry Fork Creek. The creek was relatively low, and I don't think anyone went deeper than their knees.
1 74:38 Carl
2 78:23 Matt
3 82:51 Steve
4 83:34 Bill
5 90:55 Jon
6 97:39 Larry
7 101:35 Dave Weber
8t 143:06 Dick Arnett
8t 143:06 Bob Frey
10 178:12 Brian Thiessen
found 22 Max Thorne
found 21 Michelle Daschkiewich,
Mimi Ruwe
Thanks to Chris Fairchild and TJ Dickenson for picking up night course controls, Kyle Hertel and Chris for sweeping and mopping the cabin, TJ for helping pick up signs and water controls, Susan L Smith & Melanie Miles for helping clean up the cabin, Cindy Lear and family for bringing lots of extra good food and helping with clean-up.
results of previous event (Indian Creek, November 30, 2003)
results of next event (Sharon Woods, January 24, 2004)
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