Although the temperature never broke above freezing,
it was a mostly sunny day, and orienteers turned out in droves for the
unveiling of the new edition of Sharon Woods. One of OCIN's oldest maps,
Sharon Woods has been in use for orienteering since the mid 1980's.
The old, pre-OCAD map had undergone a lot of changes including closed trails,
new roads, and significant vegetation changes. Sharon Woods was completely
remapped in late fall, 2002 by Vladimir Zherdev, and this was our first
use of the new area. We were a little overwhelmed by the number of
participants on such a cold day, and sold out our entire supply of around
70 maps, although I think everyone who wanted to do a course eventually
did get a map and got to go out.
One couple lost a compass on the course, but they
went to a nearby store and purchased a replacement.
Thanks to Bob Frey for assisting with
registration and Mike Minium with timing.
White Course, 2.12 km length, 50 m. climb, 9 controls
7 starts, 11 orienteers
26:25 ROKS Kyle Kellstedt
30:11 ROKS Andy Shaver
Bhiannon & Brad Hoeweler
34:17 OCIN Jameson
& Morgan Vaughan
52:25 BSA
Evan Gallant
58:40 MVOC Ben and Sharon Bond
found 6
Liam Neess and Andy Davis
Yellow Course, 3.56 km, 130 m. climb, 15 controls
19 starts, 26 orienteers
50:53 Apollo Aaron Layson
Dave Koch
64:00 OCIN Kristen Lear
Gary Crouch
72:26 OCIN Cindy Lear
73:40 ROKS Jenny Meehan
76:40 ROKS Mark Hagen
78:07 Apollo Jason Thompson
79:41 OCIN Parker & Heidi Vaughan
81:40 ROKS Cristen Chesser
Victoria Ruedisheli, Zach Rice
91:00 OCIN Bill Greenwell
91:30 OCIN Emily DeYoung
92:38 ROKS Maria Brock
94:38 ROKS Ellen Shaver
Dave Kelly, Lynn Higgins
111:03 OCIN Laura Ruwe
118:03 OCIN Steve & Becky Miller
found 5 OCIN Kyle Hertel, Chris Fairchild, Tyler
Hertel, Brandon Beaver
Orange Course, 5.75 km, 190 m climb, 17 controls
9 starts, 11 orienteers
Liberty Partridge, Robert Rice
69:36 Apollo
Michael Snyder
Gary Collins
81:05 MVOC Brad Stork
133:00 Apollo Shanna
151:00 Apollo Kristen
missed #6 Apollo Morgan Sumner
missed #12,13 Jeff &
Tina Blakley
found 3 Apollo Cody Edwards
Brown Course, 4.98 km, 130 m climb, 10 controls
6 starts, 7 orienteers
44:12 ROKS Brennan Lawall
52:30 ROKS David Frederick
69:56 OCIN Brian DeYoung
74:00 MVOC Tom & Gabe Svobodny
74:58 OCIN David Williams*
92:12 OCIN Ellie Kennedy
* msp #8, however, it was a parallel feature within 100 m. and the
control codes 866 and 868 were similar, so credit was given.
Green Course, 5.84 km, 240 m. climb, 15 controls
9 starts, 9 orienteers
60:39 OCIN Warren Mandrell
60:59 OCIN Bill Swift
66:05 OCIN Steve Vaughan
112:33 Apollo Brent Hatfield
Luke Hennel
126:48 Apollo Ryan Hatfield
144:55 Apollo Col. Edgar Paul
170:52 Apollo Craig Bell
200:58* Apollo Spenser Girten
* overtime - exceeded 3 hour time limit
Red Course, 7.33 km, 275 m climb, 17 controls
11 starts, 14 orienteers
68:50 OCIN Mike Minium
76:01 MVOC Steve Barnhart
Tom Souders, Keith Phelps
101:57 ROKS Pat Meehan
116:18 OCIN Kevin Mitchell
118:55 OCIN Dick Arnett
121:30 OCIN Erick Lebreton
Team Xtreme, Mike Minneci
123:20 OCIN Bob Frey
Misfits Team
200:37* OCIN Bill Donnelly
* overtime - exceeded 3 hour time limit.
Club and School Names
Apollo - Apollo HS, Owensboro, Kentucky
MVOC - Miami Valley Orienteering Club, Dayton, Ohio
OCIN - Orienteering Cincinnati
ROKS - Rams Orienteering Klub, Badin HS, Hamilton, Ohio
results of previous event (Governor Bebb, January 1, 2004)
results of next event (Miami University Western Woods, February 8, 2004)
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