Stanbery Park, Cincinnati, Ohio
September 25-26, 2004
Greg Sack, Event Director

Day 1
The day was cloudy, muggy and insecty. There were also a lot of people running in the woods! OCIN hosted almost 100 new and experienced orienteers today. We set up two games for introducing inexperienced people to orienteering: the Safari-O and the Treasure Hunt. These two games were reproduced on one Black and White map that was free. We also had a free B & W version of the White course available as part of the first Cincinnati Great Outdoor Weekend. However, most of the people that were interested in doing a White course after finding the Treasure went on to register and do the paid and timed version. The registration crew reports that they had 65 groups go out. A sizeable portion of these groups were JROTC kids from Apollo High School and Warren East High School, but there were quite a few families out there as well. The biggest problem area was that someone took the bag off of one of the hardest countrols on brown and dropped off where they decided to switch a White control with a nearby, but much harder, Yellow controlearly in the day. This resulted in several disgruntled families with small kids and some Brown runners wasting about a half hour playing orienteering bingo with this control. After the problems were fixed runners reported having good runs with more appropriate times. Special thanks to Claire Dell for helping to organize the volunteers and running the registration on the regular courses. Dick Arnett and Bob Frey came to my rescue at the crack of dawn to help set some of the last controls, sticking around to give white and yellow course participants lessons and assistance and only they know what else. Matt Robbins and Joyce Whalen were stalwarts of the starts and finishes. Warren Mandrell and Elizabeth Grover did most of the primary training at the free course area while running the Safari-O and Treasure Hunt. These games were developed in cooperation with Cincinnati Parks Nature Ed. Dept. by my son Leo as part of their Nature Day Camp this past summer, and Bobbi set them up before going to help out at Caldwell Nature Center. Now I have to get some sleep so I can get up and doit again, Amen. My volunteer list is a bit light for tomorrow. I hope it is cooler, dryer and that I have more help than I have on my list. I also hope we have another great turn-out.

Day 2
The weather was cooler and drier and the turn-out was lighter. This was all to the good since there were fewer volunteers. Bobbi came out again to set out the controls for the Safari-O and the Treasure Hunt. Joyce Whalen managed the registration of the classic courses and David Williams ran starts and finishes. This was a big leap in volunteering for both of them and they did a great job. I did the free events and was kept plenty busy managing the approximately 40 people that came out to try orienteering for the first time. Many of them went on to register and do a real white course. Only a few people used the free black and white version. At least two Mother/Daughter teams went from the free games to the white course and then went on to do the yellow course! The success of this meet hinged on the coodination and cooperation with other groups, especially the Cincinnati Parks Education Division. They invited us to participate in the Great Outdoor Weekend and they provided some key back-up assistance. This is because members have assisted in the past with their attempts to include orienteering intheir nature education efforts. OCIN has reaped benefits in large turn-outs and new members. These free training games have proven to be an attractive and fun way to try orienteering. It is a no risk option for a family or the new person of any age. The majority of people that try them go on to try a (paid) white course and are more likely to feel successful at its conclusion. An additional benefit that has come as aresult of this cooperation is that we have been invited to submit a request to use a nature center as a meeting location. The combined results for both days are:
Melinda, Katie, Artie 18:32
Steve & Audrey Platt 27:43
Steve Carleton 27:50
Luke & Marlene Camarota 30:59
Peter &Andrew Boylan 31:40
Lorri Creswell 33:50
Marinda Bosley 35:09
Bri, Chey & Alexis 36:30
Greg Bishop 39:05
Melinda & Veronica Taylor 39:42
Mariah & Kathleen 40:29
Daniel & David Chandler 47:10
Jordan Eisen 51:43
Harold Marksberry 51:56
Christian Eisen 53:43
Susan Fahrney/Ann Tsaras 54:00
Di Giulio? 56:55
Steven Schmidt 1:02:40
Riley Young 1:02:40
R. Schmidt 1:02:40
Candy & Chris Lewis 1:05:00
Donna, Kimberly & Charlie Heldman 1:13:35
Jeff Ratliff 32:06
E. Grover 39:11
Brittney Phillips 51:38
Connie Webster 1:04:41
Mary and Brianna Malotke 1:12:26
Spiro Verija 1:29:23
Daniel Chandler 1:30:00
Samantha Foster 1:33:50
Jenk 1:40:20
Mara Brown 1:56:45
Chris Kamuf 20:00:19
Keasha Bryant 2:01:45
Randy Pattan 2:02:45
Kim Burns & Shane Raley 2:03:06
Nathan Rearden 2:06:40
Amy Kuegel 2:13:13
Amanda Ochoa & Brenda Turner 2:28:30
Ben Shaw SWD
Keith Bryant SWD
J Bates SWD
Jason Wiggins SWD
Amanda Priest SWD
Katie Jones SWD
David Sims 1:21:24
Joyce Whalen 1:22:19
Jay Williams 1:24:08
Bill Greenwell 1:28:37
Jacob Loafman 2:08:02
Nick Cook 2:08:45
Adam Blake & Mike Sears 2:28:08
John Blocher 2:34:32
Franklin Milan 2:38:57
Ross Roy 2:41:20
Daniel Pinet 2:42:47
Chris Andrews 2:55:00
Kyle Bagby OT
Cody Winesett, Derek & John Hart OT
Jessica Roby OT
Kate & Donna Hart DNF
Houston Hik DNF
Patrick Bennett DNF
Natalie Fields DNF
Dick Arnett 1:03:30
Matthew Robbins 1:06:29
Michael Snyder 1:13:23
Brent Hatfield 1:19:20
Warren Mandrell 1:29:04
Claire Dell 1:34:42
Brian DeYoung 1:38:45
Aaron Layson 1:57:55
Eric Tullis 2:00:47
Bob Frey 2:01:37
Morgan Sumnee 2:11:41
Kevin Huff 2:13:32
Sergei Preobazhensky 2:19:45
David Williams 2:27:00
Alan Bath 2:33:55
Kristen Lewis 2:45:33
Taylor & Thompson 2:50:33
Kristen &Cindy Lear OT
Laura Rowe OT
David McGinnis OT
Ryan Hatfield DNF
Alexander Preobazhensky DNF
Ellie Kennedy DNF
Col. Paul DNF
* Times are skewed due to the unsporting activities of the person who moved the flag from the control. <g

results of previous event (Mt Airy Forest, August 1, 2004)

results of next event (Camp Stonybrook, October 3, 2004)

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