Mounds State Recreation Area, Brookville, Indiana
January 2, 2005
Matthew Robbins, Event Director

    Weather: around 50 degrees with occassional light drizzle.  A little snow remained in some of the deeper valleys, but the ground was mostly just wet and muddy.
    Thanks to Bob Frey for the SportIdent tutorial and help, and a Big Thanks to Mike Minium for taking down the majority of the controls.

Billy Pig
11 km, 5 hour time limit, skip any 2 controls, but not two in a row.

1:41:12    Bill Swift
1:53:15    Mike Minium
1:56:11    Brennan Lawall
1:59:12    Bob Huebner
1:59:12    Steve Noller
2:15:56    Todd Henson
2:29:48    Kauffman, Lyons
3:10:37    Tom & Gabe Svobodny
3:38:57    Carrie Scarrf
3:38:57    Tracy Burge
3:58:23    Susan Henson
4:15:20    Coates, Kramer, Rasmussen
4:32:15    Gayle Pille
4:56:05    Jennifer Marsh
overtime    Bill O'Donnelly
1:59:33    skipped 2 in a row    Joe Smindak
2:02:16    skipped 2 in a row    Pat Meehan

6 km, 5 hour time limit, skip any 1 control.

1:21:06    Dick Arnett
1:24:31    Bob Frey
1:38:53    Erick Lebreton
1:40:23    Michelle Folz
1:43:13    Zac Wilkins
1:49:39    Gary Lester
2:45:56    Earl Reisinger
3:16:46    Frank & Frankie Baukert
dnf          Andy Shaver
dnf          Richard Boehms


1st        Katie & David Williams    (about 1 hour)

Split Times

Billy Pig VI Mounds                                                                                                          Sun 1/2/2005 8:52 PM
SPORTident results
----------------------------------------------------------OE2003 © Stephan Krämer 2003-----------------------------------------------------------

    Pl    Stno     Time Name
BillyPig  (17)           11.000 km   20 C
                                                 1(101)   2(102)   3(103)  4(104)  5(105)  6(106)  7(107)  8(108)  9(109) 10(110) 11(111)  12(107) 13(112) 14(105)
                                                15(113)  16(114)  17(115) 18(116) 19(117) 20(118)       F

1st Mens     1          Swift Bill                 3:28     7:46    10:47   15:13   17:58   23:25   29:25   34:34   39:59   43:39   50:08  1:03:43 1:08:02   -----
                        OCIN -                     3:28     4:18     3:01    4:26    2:45    5:27    6:00    5:09    5:25    3:40    6:29    13:35    4:19
                                                1:16:46  1:21:01  1:24:03   ----- 1:34:53 1:39:20 1:41:12
                                                   8:44     4:15     3:02           10:50    4:27    1:52

                                                  10:53     4:38     3:57           13:06    6:18    2:03
             2          Minium Mike                3:20     8:38    11:57   16:49   19:22   24:44   35:17   41:03   46:09   50:49   55:42  1:08:38   ----- 1:18:46
                        OCIN -                     3:20     5:18     3:19    4:52    2:33    5:22   10:33    5:46    5:06    4:40    4:53    12:56           10:08
                                                1:25:13  1:30:44  1:34:21   ----- 1:45:47 1:51:10 1:53:15

1st Junior   3          Lawall Brennan             3:07     8:20    10:57   15:34   19:26   24:45   30:55   37:11   42:23   46:41   52:17  1:06:23 1:12:17   -----
                        ROKS -                     3:07     5:13     2:37    4:37    3:52    5:19    6:10    6:16    5:12    4:18    5:36    14:06    5:54
                                                1:21:54  1:33:16  1:37:38   ----- 1:48:32 1:54:16 1:56:11
                                                   9:37    11:22     4:22           10:54    5:44    1:55

             5 Tie      Huebner Bob                3:36     8:04    12:23   17:53   20:26   26:31   33:40   40:00   46:19   51:03   57:25  1:12:17 1:18:17   -----
                        COO -                      3:36     4:28     4:19    5:30    2:33    6:05    7:09    6:20    6:19    4:44    6:22    14:52    6:00
                                                1:29:10  1:33:48  1:37:45   ----- 1:50:51 1:57:09 1:59:12
                                                   6:27     5:31     3:37           11:26    5:23    2:05

             5 Tie      Noller Steve               3:24     9:55    14:18   19:57   22:16   29:11   36:10   41:50   47:25   51:19   -----  1:05:27 1:12:11 1:19:44
                                                   3:24     6:31     4:23    5:39    2:19    6:55    6:59    5:40    5:35    3:54            14:08    6:44    7:33
                                                1:28:53  1:34:21  1:37:54   ----- 1:49:54 1:57:36 1:59:12
                                                   9:09     5:28     3:33           12:00    7:42    1:36

             6          Henson Todd                4:17     8:15    11:07   16:12   18:29   23:41   29:10   43:33   50:10   54:07   59:08  1:09:17 1:14:02 1:21:59
                        OCIN -                     4:17     3:58     2:52    5:05    2:17    5:12    5:29   14:23    6:37    3:57    5:01    10:09    4:45    7:57
                                                1:35:44  1:40:51  1:44:54 1:57:48 2:02:45 2:14:16 2:15:56
                                                  13:45     5:07     4:03   12:54    4:57   11:31    1:40

             7          Kauffman+Lyons            -----    48:22    52:59   58:00 1:03:20 1:08:45 1:16:08 1:23:39 1:29:17 1:33:51   -----  1:50:30 1:56:18 2:03:48
                        ICO -                              48:22     4:37    5:01    5:20    5:25    7:23    7:31    5:38    4:34            16:39    5:48    7:30
                                                2:13:10  2:19:25  2:23:33 2:36:09 2:41:41 2:47:49 2:49:48
                                                   9:22     6:15     4:08   12:36    5:32    6:08    1:59

             8          Svobodny Tom+Gabe         -----    11:34    18:04   28:55   37:03   45:33 1:00:07 1:10:11 1:20:07 1:27:41 1:37:07  1:56:02 2:02:16 2:23:12
                        MVOC -                             11:34     6:30   10:51    8:08    8:30   14:34   10:04    9:56    7:34    9:26    18:55    6:14   20:56
                                                2:34:58  2:45:06  2:50:55   ----- 3:03:26 3:08:57 3:10:37
                                                  11:46    10:08     5:49           12:31    5:31    1:40

1st Womens  10 Tie      Burge Tracy                6:45    15:24    20:59   35:18   41:51   52:49 1:05:11 1:18:43 1:30:33 1:36:51 1:43:41  2:03:04 2:11:06 2:25:57
                                                   6:45     8:39     5:35   14:19    6:33   10:58   12:22   13:32   11:50    6:18    6:50    19:23    8:02   14:51
                                                2:37:34  2:46:27  2:51:25 3:16:18 3:25:51 3:35:31 3:38:57         3:35:43
                                                  11:37     8:53     4:58   24:53    9:33    9:40    3:26            *118

1st Womens  10 Tie      Scarff Carrie              6:50    15:03    21:07   35:22   43:13   52:26 1:05:17 1:18:59 1:30:31 1:37:13 1:43:52  2:05:23 2:11:28 2:26:02
                                                   6:50     8:13     6:04   14:15    7:51    9:13   12:51   13:42   11:32    6:42    6:39    21:31    6:05   14:34
                                                2:38:19  2:46:39  2:52:00 3:16:46 3:26:12 3:35:37 3:38:57         3:35:42
                                                  12:17     8:20     5:21   24:46    9:26    9:25    3:20            *118

            11          Henson Susan               5:42    15:21    26:38   34:41   52:21 1:00:33 1:09:57 1:42:17 1:54:07 2:02:38 2:11:10  2:43:22 2:57:40   -----
                        OCIN -                     5:42     9:39    11:17    8:03   17:40    8:12    9:24   32:20   11:50    8:31    8:32    32:12   14:18
                                                3:13:56  3:21:44  3:31:32   ----- 3:50:19 3:56:19 3:58:23
                                                  16:16     7:48     9:48           18:47    6:00    2:04

            12          Coates Kramer Rasmussen    4:02     8:41    14:01   20:31   25:20   33:48 1:06:40 1:15:00 1:28:18 1:35:23 1:43:10  2:08:27 2:22:39 2:40:57
                        ICO -                      4:02     4:39     5:20    6:30    4:49    8:28   32:52    8:20   13:18    7:05    7:47    25:17   14:12   18:18
                                                2:55:21  3:08:56  3:23:28 3:46:54 4:01:16 4:11:13 4:15:20         4:11:15
                                                  14:24    13:35    14:32   23:26   14:22    9:57    4:07            *118

            13          Pille Gayle                4:16    14:38    22:00   34:42   49:06 1:02:20 1:17:41 1:43:08 1:58:35   ----- 2:16:25  2:44:06 2:54:47 3:13:26
                        Unk -                      4:16    10:22     7:22   12:42   14:24   13:14   15:21   25:27   15:27           17:50    27:41   10:41   18:39
                                                3:29:54  3:43:49  3:52:20   ----- 4:16:24 4:27:41 4:32:15
                                                  16:28    13:55     8:31           24:04   11:17    4:34

            14          Marsh Jennifer             3:58     8:27    13:43   21:32   25:13   34:18 1:06:30 1:14:51 1:30:07 1:37:01 1:43:28  2:02:47 2:10:45 2:32:53
                        Unk -                      3:58     4:29     5:16    7:49    3:41    9:05   32:12    8:21   15:16    6:54    6:27    19:19    7:58   22:08
                                                2:46:54  3:08:45  3:18:19 4:22:03 4:33:56 4:43:36 4:56:05
                                                  14:01    21:51     9:34 1:03:44   11:53    9:40   12:29

            mp       mp Meehan Pat                 3:14     8:22    11:49   17:22   19:47   25:46   35:37   41:55   48:06   -----   -----    58:10 1:04:22 1:13:42
                        OCIN -                     3:14     5:08     3:27    5:33    2:25    5:59    9:51    6:18    6:11                    10:04    6:12    9:20
                                                1:22:48  1:27:59  1:32:07 1:46:47 1:53:06 1:59:46 2:02:16
                                                   9:06     5:11     4:08   14:40    6:19    6:40    2:30

            mp       mp Smindak Joe                3:09     9:30    12:37   16:37   18:32   23:16   27:53   34:25   39:41   42:55   46:19    56:30   -----   -----
                        MVOC -                     3:09     6:21     3:07    4:00    1:55    4:44    4:37    6:32    5:16    3:14    3:24    10:11
                                                1:19:55  1:24:48  1:27:46 1:46:19 1:53:18 1:57:38 1:59:33
                                                  23:25     4:53     2:58   18:33    6:59    4:20    1:55

            ot       ot O'Donnelly Bill            3:46    -----    23:51   31:54   39:56 1:01:42 1:10:13 1:48:46 2:06:24 2:13:30 2:47:15  3:09:06   ----- 3:57:58
                        Unk -                      3:46             20:05    8:03    8:02   21:46    8:31   38:33   17:38    7:06   33:45    21:51           48:52
                                                4:13:53  4:35:15  4:43:56   -----   -----   -----
                                                  15:55    21:22     8:41

Piglet  (10)             6.000 km   12 C
                                                 1(101)   2(102)   3(103)  4(117)  5(104)  6(105)  7(113)  8(114)  9(115) 10(116) 11(117)  12(118)       F

1st Mens     1          Arnett Dick                3:59     8:47    13:16   19:34   25:50   29:11   40:57   48:04   ----- 1:04:19 1:12:15  1:18:36 1:21:06
                        OCIN -                     3:59     4:48     4:29    6:18    6:16    3:21   11:46    7:07           16:15    7:56     6:21    2:30
             2          Frey Bob                   3:56     8:50    13:56   20:35   26:33   29:55   41:11   48:26   ----- 1:04:32 1:12:37  1:21:40 1:24:31
                        OCIN -                     3:56     4:54     5:06    6:39    5:58    3:22   11:16    7:15           16:06    8:05     9:03    2:51
             3          Lebreton Erick             3:58     8:21    13:09   19:21   -----   30:21   38:26   44:51   49:48 1:18:59 1:25:56  1:36:35 1:38:53
                        OCIN -                     3:58     4:23     4:48    6:12           11:00    8:05    6:25    4:57   29:11    6:57    10:39    2:18
1st Womens   4          Folz Michelle              4:13     8:49    14:05   20:10   26:06   29:35   -----   45:04   49:54 1:16:31 1:28:24  1:38:10 1:40:23
                        ICO -                      4:13     4:36     5:16    6:05    5:56    3:29           15:29    4:50   26:37   11:53     9:46    2:13
1st Junior   5          Wilkins Zac                4:46    15:06    19:50   26:52   35:20   42:45   56:16 1:09:40 1:16:52   ----- 1:34:55  1:40:58 1:43:13
                        ROKS -                     4:46    10:20     4:44    7:02    8:28    7:25   13:31   13:24    7:12           18:03     6:03    2:15
             6          Lester Gary                6:47    14:07    20:47   30:05   39:37   45:09   56:24 1:11:39 1:17:39   ----- 1:38:52  1:46:26 1:49:39
                        Unk -                      6:47     7:20     6:40    9:18    9:32    5:32   11:15   15:15    6:00           21:13     7:34    3:13
             7          Reisinger Earl             4:40    11:47    18:49   26:36 1:09:26 1:16:51 1:36:02 1:45:50 1:52:42 2:26:50 2:34:58  2:43:14 2:45:56
                        COO -                      4:40     7:07     7:02    7:47   42:50    7:25   19:11    9:48    6:52   34:08    8:08     8:16    2:42
             8          Baukert Frank+Frank        8:25    41:52    51:29 1:02:10 1:16:06 1:22:57 1:44:47 2:06:00 2:15:25   ----- 2:53:40  3:11:14 3:16:46
                        ICO -                      8:25    33:27     9:37   10:41   13:56    6:51   21:50   21:13    9:25           38:15    17:34    5:32

            mp       mp Shaver Andy               -----    15:49    20:23   27:13   35:52   49:07 1:05:44 1:34:11   -----   ----- 2:08:00  2:18:52 2:22:08
                        ROKS -                             15:49     4:34    6:50    8:39   13:15   16:37   28:27                   33:49    10:52    3:16

            mp       mp Boehm Richard              4:04     8:06    10:46   19:17   23:16   26:31   32:39   -----   -----   -----   -----    -----
                        ROKS -                     4:04     4:02     2:40    8:31    3:59    3:15    6:08

Yellow  (1)
                                     1        2        3       4       5       6
1          Williams Katie+David     101      102      103     117     118      F
         OCIN -                  2:52:28  3:04:38  3:16:53 3:29:53 3:41:20 3:46:17
                                 2:52:28    12:10    12:15   13:00   11:27    4:57

results of previous event (Governor Bebb, January 1, 2005)

results of next event (Miami Univ. Natural Areas, January 22, 2005)

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