Governor Bebb, Okeana, Ohio
April 15, 2006
Mike Minium, Event Director

   Thanks to Bob Frey and Kenny Fugate for helping with registration.  Kenny Fugate, Bill Donnelly and Matthew Robbins picked up controls and Beckey Schweinfest collected the road signs.

    It turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day, with temperatures approachinmg 80 degrees.  The ground was saturated from heavy rains the night before, but that didn't dampen the spirits of the dozens who attended.

Photos from Governor Bebb

    Apologies in advance for any mis-spelled names.  Let me ( know corrections and I will post them.

White Course            2.39 km, 10 controls

25:16    Nathan & Adam Mandrell
27:00    Adam White (after running orange)
33:40    Lister family
38:15    Dell family
42:20    Elizabeth White
43:55    Stevens Family
44:00    Christy Thompson
48:50    Anna & Lydia White
52:15    Brenda & Chad Wright
55:30    Ellie Kenndy Family
61:21    Alex & John Boehm
62:22    Calvin & Lee McClory
62:35    Harley Bradley
64:50    Claire McClory
65:16    Christine Young
69:00    Julie Downs
70:50    Bosley Family
84:14    Conner, Anna
85:00    Chris Peterson
86:16    Wendy Tobergte
????    John Zwick    (time not recorded)

Yellow Course            3.11 km, 10 controls

21:12    Kenny Fugate    (after running green)
53:22    Paul Kidd, Ben Kidd
85:10    Hart Family
90:28    Joe Goodenough Group

Orange Course           3.66  km, 10 controls

52:57    Bob Frey (OCIN)
53:19    Gary Collins (OCIN)
69:07    Adam White (OCIN)
72:33    George Mader
74:22    Alexander Preobrazhensky (COO)
104:30    Joe Goodenough

Green Course             4.29 km, 10 controls

38:22    Steve Noller (ICO)
39:42    Kenny Fugate (OCIN)
45:37    Pat Meehan (OCIN)
48:43    Sergei Preobrazhensky (COO)
62:45    Erick Lebreton (OCIN)
64:51    Matthew Robbins (OCIN)
77:09    David Frederick, Jen Meehan, Sami Hurr
87:34    Bill Donnelly (OCIN)
95:54    Beckey Schweinfest (OCIN)
110:16    Justin Stafford (OCIN)
122:30    Stephanie Ross
125:57    Joyce Whalen (OCIN)

results of previous local event (Camp Friedlander, March 11, 2006)

results of next local event (Camp Freidlander, May 14, 2006)

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