Saturday's forecast was lousy and, indeed, it was raining as we set out controls. We were certain that the turn-out was going to be light at best. We figured at least the JROTCs were likely to come. As I returned to the Start/Finish area about a half hour before first start, not only the bus of 26 eager youngsters was there, but a bit of a crowd was there as well. The winds were blustery at times, but the rain held off until almost everyone was back. Then the skies opened up again.
The weekend was divided up between two parks in two days. Saturday's event at Ault Park was further divided between a free introductory event co-sponsored by Cincinnati Parks and OCIN as part of the Great Outdoors Weekend and National Orienteering Day, and a regular OCIN event. There were 30 people who tried Orienteering for the first time as part of the GOW/NOD sampler. They tried some O-games devised for youth day camps like a Safari-O and a Treasure Hunt and ended with a white course on a black and white map. Several people enjoyed it so much that they went on to do the yellow course on the color map.
There were 62 participants in the regular event including the JROTC contingent from Hamilton. The courses were steep, but it turned out to be a good run in spite of slippery conditions. One special feature was watching the best of the JROTC students doing push ups for Katie because she beat him by 2:42 on the Yellow course.
Sunday's event was held at LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Preserve off of Hamilton Ave. in beautiful weather conditions. There were the same games and a white course based on nature themes. Two OCIN regulars ran the course just to see the woods and get the exercise, but the rest of the 91 participants were all new to orienteering. There were scouts and young families running all over the preserve having, by all accounts, a great time.
Special thanks to Claire Dell for calling out the troops, Bob Frey and Ellie Kennedy for being helpful as ever on Saturday, Dick Arnett for helping with starts and training on Saturday and Sunday, Joyce Whalen for handling registration on Sunday. Without your efforts we could not bring Orienteering to so many people! You guys are the greatest!
Yellow Course
47:13 Katie Williams and Lucas B.
49:55 William Cox & Raymond West
52:40 Roark & Frost
55:39 Brandenbug & DeZarn
57:35 Eric Weinberg
57:43 Jenkins & Meyers
72:40 Joe McMillen
77:09 Hoover & Adkins
81:30 Jones, Rose & Ohmer
92:16 Lawrence & Stafford
95:33 Mulle & Pedicord
110:50 Belle & Gray
113:23 Ortman & Glancy
120:26 Sexton, Jones & Houser
DNF Elizabeth Grover
Orange Course
44:59 Robert Rice
52:52 Bob Frey
137:07 Anne Hahnel & Co.
Brown / Green Course
38:39 Gerald Yip
50:28 Todd Henson
53:55 Matthew Robbins
82:30 Victoria Huseman
90:22 Dick Arnett
DNF Bill Swift
results of previous local event (Fort St. Clair, August 5, 2006)
results of next local event (La Boiteaux Woods, September 24, 2006)
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