La Boiteaux Woods, Cincinnati, Ohio
September 24, 2006
Cincinnati Great Outdoors Weekend
Greg and Bobbi Sack, Event Directors

            Sunday's event was held at LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Preserve off of Hamilton Ave. in beautiful weather conditions. There were the same games and a white course based on nature themes. Two OCIN regulars ran the course just to see the woods and get the exercise, but the rest of the 91 participants were all new to orienteering. There were scouts and young families running all over the preserve having, by all accounts, a great time.

            Special thanks to Claire Dell for calling out the troops, Bob Frey and Ellie Kennedy for being helpful as ever on Saturday, Dick Arnett for helping with starts and training on Saturday and Sunday, Joyce Whalen for handling registration on Sunday. Without your efforts we could not bring Orienteering to so many people! You guys are the greatest!

results of previous local event (Ault Park, September 23, 2006)

results of next local event (Camp Stonybrook, October 8, 2006)

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