Camp Stonybrook, Cincinnati, Ohio
(used by permission of Girl Scouts USA, Great Rivers Council)
October 8, 2006
David Williams, Event Director
Mike Minium, Vicky Huseman and Matthew Robbins, Event Consultants

What a gorgeous day for orienteering!  The sky was blue, the terrain was dry (where It was supposed to be dry) and cool morning temperatures rose to the mid-70s.

58 Girl Scouts and their leaders tackled the white course.  38 other orienteers came out to try a variety of courses.  Beginners were offered their choice of a white or yellow course.  People looking for more of a challenge could opt for the Score-O.  (In score-o orienteers determine the number of controls they intend to find and then they pick the order in which to find them.)

The score course consisted of 26 total controls; 15 of them were incorporated into the white and yellow courses, 11 more controls were placed throughout the camp.  The 11 “advanced” controls could be found with varying degrees of difficulty.  Those who chose to tackle all 26 controls found that their route selection was critical to their success.

Additional notes from the event director--

· Sunday’s turnout was a nice mix of familiar faces, new faces and a whole bunch of happy energetic Girl Scouts.  Among the familiar faces, the Vaughans came out in full force; this is noteworthy because Petr and Parker, and Morgan and Jameson, respectively, “tore up” the yellow and white courses.  Among the new faces, Gary Turner showed up with a gang of folks willing to try anything—once, at any rate.  Dave Howard escorted his son David, who was working on a merit badge.  And Joe Goodenough offered his students extra credit if they came out to orienteer; Louis Rodgers and Cory Matsko took him up on the offer (and promptly ditched Louis’ mom.)
· Since this was my first time designing, setting OR directing an event I am grateful to those who came out to give it a try.  I also want to thank Matthew Robbins for helping me get started; I stared at my Stonybrook map for 3 weeks with nothing to show for it until Matthew came to the rescue.  When Sunday rolled around, Leslie Lytle and his daughter, Marion,  took control of the start/finish sheet so I didn’t end up with more loose paper than I have on tax day.  And then Tom and Gabe Svobodny, both of whom found all 26 controls, found the additional energy to go back out and retrieve most of those controls.  Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
· Finally, I can’t close without comment on one of the stanger things I’ve seen since I started orienteering.  I was heading out to place one of the last controls; it was supposed to mark a small gully/seasonal creek.  When I got to the area I noticed that, for a length of about 15 feet, a whole lot of dirt appeared to have been bulldozed into the gully.  Upon closer inspection I realized that a car was buried there.  It was on its side, as if it had been pushed over the edge of the gully then covered by dirt.  All that was visible at one end was the bumper and 2 taillights.  That would not seem so remarkable if it were not in the MIDDLE OF THE WOODS!  Who put it there?  HOW did it get in there?  How long has it been there?  Strange, indeed.

Lost and Found:  Found, 1 pair of sunglasses (left on the registration table)

White Course (1.8 km, 60 m. climb, 11 controls)

  28:19 Morgan and Jameson Vaughan
  39:32 Kyle Rinehart and Melanie Ludmann
  57:15 Tom and Dottie Hilsmier
  58:00 Sarah Wood and Maddie Westcott
  58:00 Alexis Park and Marisa Walterbusch
  58:00 Jean Wood
  58:00 Cindy Cooper and Sonya Wallace
  58:00 Becky Yeary and Makayla Wilson
  58:00 Savannah Boles and Jenny Wallace
  58:00 Allison Cooper and Katrice Williams
  58:00 Tiffany Hurst (and Maddie?)
1:01:15 Erin Tinney and Dejah Hughes
1:01:15 Meredith Kimmel and Rachel Entrup
1:01:15 Hanna Geisler and Erin George
1:01:15 Allison Brophy and Grace Adams
1:01:15 Lauren Rom and Kelly Gusweiler
1:01:15 Rebecca Brophy and Susan George
1:12:00 Sarah Goldenberg and Olivia Cade
1:12:00 Ellen Goldenberg and Michelle Bowling
1:12:00 Anna and Timmiera Lawrence
1:12:00 Jen Goldenberg
1:13:00 Shannon Dowling and Emily Meurer
1:13:00 Caroline Smith and Martina Oroz
1:13:00 Becca Bryans and Claudia Revilla
1:13:00 Meredith Thomas and Rachel Dornoff
1:13:00 Nancy Meurer and Carol Downing
1:16:30 Nia Simmonds and Angelique Tresennriter
1:16:30 Casey Knox and Nykia Brown
1:16:30 Asia Wright and Nykara Brown
1:16:30 Ashley Wright and Martyse Williams
1:16:30 Janine DeVeaux
1:28:00 Steve and Gina Fletcher**

**    Steve and Gina wish to assure everyone that they had a good time ;-)

Yellow Course (1.95 km, 65 m. climb, 10 controls)

  32:00 Petr and Parker Vaughan
  51:27 Frank Meyer
  53:46 Jon Hilsmier and Stacey Martin
1:05:10 Louis Rodgers, Cory Matsko (and Clare Rodgers—abandoned)
1:09:57 Gary Turner, Chi Kanu
1:13:16 Dave & David Howard
1:15:10 Stephen Turner and Cindy

Score Course (26 controls: 15 white/yellow & 11 advanced), 2 hour time limit

1:18:40 Gabe Svobodny, 26 controls
1:18:42 Tom Svobodny, 26 controls
1:33:08 Stevan Vaughan, 26 controls
1:41:24 Heidi Vaughan, 24 controls
2:15:30 Ellie Kennedy and Kathleen Alsept, 21 controls***
2:37:00 Erick LeBreton, 20 controls***
1:18:20 Robyn Gorman, 19 controls
1:18:20 Robert Rice, 19 controls
1:42:57 Bob Frey, 19 Controls
1:53:35 Eric Weinberg, 18 controls
1:55:00 Mimi and Laura Ruwe, 17 controls
2:34:00 Joe Goodenough, Becky Downs and Char Dubois, 14 controls***

***  Exceeded 2-hour time limit

Please email corrections for any misspellings to dswesq(at)fuse(dot)net  (My apologies in advance)

results of previous local event (La Boiteaux Woods, September 24, 2006)

results of next local event (Indian Creek, October 15, 2006)

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