Joyce Park, Hamilton, Ohio

February 21, 2009     OCIN / TROL Event 9
Pat Meehan, Event Director

Matthew Robbins, SportIdent


    There are not split times available for this event, due to a SportIdent malfunction.  The controls turned on at 10 am, just like they should.  They functioned fine until 4 pm, when they turned off as scheduled.  The only problem is, they did all of these actions on Friday!  So, as 11:00 Saturday approached, and orienteers gathered waiting to start, it was a puzzlement why the “clear” and “check” units were not functioning.  Once the problem was understood, we re-programmed those units, but of course could not go into the fields and forests and replace all units in a timely fashion, so we had to use the old fashioned manual punching.  Since there were no paper punch cards available, everybody had the extra fun of drawing a punch grid on the back of a blank registration card, which they then used to punch.  We used Sport Ident to get precise start and finish times only.


     Welcome new OCIN members Rich and Stacey Wendling, formerly of North Texas O’ Association (NTOA)!


     Thanks to all who helped with control and sign pickup!




OCIN TROL Joyce Park

Sat 2/21/2009 3:05 PM


created by OE2003 © Stephan Krämer 2007

Place   Stno Name                            Club                          Class       Time 
White  (2)              2.7 km   0 C                       
    1      3 Maddie Bartos                   OCIN Union County MS          WTO        33:52 
    2     33 Stacey Wendling                 OCIN                          WO         47:14 
Yellow  (7)             5.6 km   0 C                       
    1     34 Jill Puma                       OCIN                          YO         42:51 
    2     39 Jenny Meehan                    OCIN                          YO         49:02 
    3      4 Addison Bosley                  OCIN Tichenor MS              YTMSM    1:02:53 
    4     35 Bob and Michael Darby           OCIN                          YO       1:22:38 
    5     19 Gage Stamper                    OCIN Union County MS          YTMSM    1:29:35 
    6     38 Joseph Cochetti                 Unk                           YO       1:41:08 
    7     36 Joe McMillen                    OCIN                          YO       1:44:24 
Orange  (6)             7.6 km   0 C                       
    1     31 David Waller                    Unk                           OO         58:33 
    2     17 Kacey Schweinfest               OCIN Badin HS                 OTJVM    1:23:45 
    3     29 Katie Williams                  OCIN Walnut Hills HS          OTJVF    1:26:03 
    4     40 Sam Gordon                      OCIN St Joseph Consol. Sch.   OTJVM    1:29:10 
    5      6 Doug Frederick                  OCIN Badin HS                 OTJVM    1:48:30 
    6      8 Annie Gordon                    OCIN Ursuline HS              OTJVF    1:48:55 
             Scott Gordon                                                           not timed
Brown  (5)              5.2 km   0 C                       
    1     30 Gerald Yip                      OCIN                          BrnM       43:29 
    2     15 Matthew Robbins                 OCIN                          BrnM       55:54 
    3      1 Dick Arnett                     OCIN                          BrnM     1:04:44 
    4     32 Rich Wendling                   OCIN                          BrnM     1:08:17 
    5      7 Bob Frey                        OCIN                          BrnM     1:12:54 
Red  (4)                11.8 km   0 C                      
    1     21 Tom Svobodny                    MVOC                          RedM     1:24:37 
    2     12 Mike Minium                     OCIN                          RedM     1:34:59 
    3     27 Steve Vaughan                   OCIN                          RedM     1:39:33 
    4     37 Katy Drinkhouse Bill Donnelly   OCIN                          RedO     2:55:39 


Route Gadget 

Results by CLASS

Tristate Regional Orienteering League TROL Points


results of previous local event (Middle Creek, February 7, 2009)

results of next local event (Sharon Woods, February 28, 2009)

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