Burnet Woods ParkQuest courses

             Burnet Woods, Cincinnati, Ohio. Locator Map
             Check signs before parking; some areas have meters or require a University of Cincinnati permit. There is free parking on the park drive north of the start.

             There are NO markings at the controls. You can use the UsynligO ("Invisible Orienteering") app on your phone to get a vibration or tone when you find the correct spot. There are 3 courses: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
             We will plan to periodically offer some new courses at Burnet, since it is a very central location. Watch the ParkQuest info page for new courses.

             Report your results and experiences here.
             View who else did the course here.
             Post a selfie of you doing the course (or anything cool you saw on the course) to OCIN's Facebook page.
             If you did the course with anyone else, please be sure that photos show appropriate social distancing.

              Beginner course (pdf) 1.8 km, easy
              Intermediate course (pdf) 3.1 km, moderate
              Advanced course (pdf) 4.7 km, challenging


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